医疗在线服务的医生,医生加 - 对于医生的iOS UI工具包

UI工具包 314 2020-02-22
You are a Doctor, an Expert. Doctor Plus provides tools to help you connect with patients quickly and you can get paid for providing private consults by video, voice, or text chat from anywhere — and all on your schedule... Features for Doctors: - Provide Private Care to patients via video, voice, live chat, online appointment... - Manage your Upcoming and past consults... - Check patient's Medical Reports, send conclusions or answers included Prescriptions, share useful Health Guides, Tips, Topics...to help patients get better soon. - Manage patients easily by search and view patient history and previous treatments. - Answer free open questions posted by users and enhance your reputation among patients in the world. - Create and share useful Tips, Topics and Health Guides for your patients and build your reputation. - Earn and manage your income by helping your patients in a better way. ...and more...